Home : Resources : Newcomers

Welcome to Team 21! 

The 21st Theater Sustainment Command is the lead organization for all sustainment activities for U.S. Army Europe and Africa. Team 21 provides combat engineers, military police and medical professionals during partnership training and other operations supporting U.S. Army Europe and Africa, NATO, U.S. European Command, U.S. Africa Command and U.S. Central Command

U.S. Army Europe Summer 2020 PCS Video

U.S. Army Europe Summer 2020 PCS Video

USACRC Safety Short - Distracted Driving

USACRC Safety Short - Distracted Driving

[hassubttitle]Distracted Driving


First in Support starts here!

To begin your transition to joining Team 21, select the appropriate category below to get the latest Newcomers information. The information below will help you in planning your move after receipt of your assignment/orders; joining your prospective military community along with in-processing, and plenty of other must-know information. 

If you are unaware of who your sponsor is or if you have not yet been contacted, please email: us.army.rheinland-pfalz.21-tsc-tsc-mbx.21st-tsc-sponsorship@mail.mil

Step 1: Learn more about your upcoming PCS

Soldiers, Department of the Army civilians and their Families assigned to 21st Theater Sustainment Command will generally be assigned to one of the following units in the drop down menu below. U.S. Army Garrison Rheinland-Pfalz, or USAG-RP, and U.S. Army Garrison Bavaria, or USAG Bavaria, provide excellent and up-to-date information that will assist you and your family prior, during and after the move to your gaining unit.  Please note that USAG-RP newcomers information is broken down into two categories: Kaiserslautern and Baumholder. 

USAG-RP Kaiserslautern covers the following areas: Panzer Kaserne, Kleber Kaserne, Germersheim, Gruenstadt, Landstuhl, Miesau, Pulaski Barracks, Sembach and Rhine Ordinance Barracks, or ROB.  USAG-RP Baumholder includes Smith Barracks and Wetzel Kaserne. USAG Bavaria includes Tower Barracks, Grafenwoehr. If you need more information about other U.S. Army Garrisons located in Europe, please visit Installation Command Europe's page to learn more!

Choose a unit from the drop down menu and it will take you to the appropriate newcomers link!

Step 2: Reporting Procedures

  • All Soldiers and most Families arriving in Germany on Permanent Change of Station (PCS) moves will arrive at the Ramstein Gateway Reception Center, or RGRC, via Air Mobility Command's military chartered airlift, The Patriot Express. Flights depart from BWI Airport, AMC Terminal and arrive at Ramstein Air Base, Germany. U.S. Army Europe Command Policy requires that all personnel and accompanying Family Members process through the RGRC where the staff will guide you through the Gateway process.
  • If you are a Soldier and are scheduled to fly into Frankfurt International Airport (FRA) instead of Ramstein Air Base, contact your travel office immediately to change your flight to a Patriot Express flight.  Not only is it a USAREUR policy that Soldiers do not fly into FRA during a PCS move, but there is also no support nor oversight at FRA to track your arrival.  If you are an exception to this policy and must fly into FRA, please ensure your sponsor is notified of your itinerary to arrange pickup.
  • Upon arrival, Soldiers are picked up by their sponsors or unit representatives.  Soldiers (that are authorized to live off base) and Soldiers with family members are then brought to lodging. Other single Soldiers are brought to the barracks or transient rooms.
  • For Soldiers assigned to the Baumholder (Smith Barracks and Wetzel Kaserne) area, upon arrival at Ramstein Airbase, you will be processed for further assignment and be issued pinpoint orders to Baumholder. The Sponsorship Bus (S Bus) will bring you to Baumholder if you make no arrangements for pick-up with you gaining unit.
  • Arrangements for lodging could be made by your sponsor if you cannot do it. Accompanied Soldiers and unaccompanied E7s and above will be booked into the guesthouse (Lagerhof Inn +49 (0) 611-143-531-2900), or a local hotel . Unaccompanied E1s through E6s will be assigned a unit’s barracks. make sure your receiving unit is aware of your arrival date to ensure someone from the unit is present to pick you up.

Step 3: In-processing

USAG Ansbach:

USAG Bavaria: 

USAG Rheinland-Pfalz Kaiserslautern:

  • Unit In-processing
  • Report to the Kleber Central Processing Center to receive in-brief and in-processing schedule. 
  • Attend scheduled training at the In-processing Training Center, or ITC.   Family Members may attend the ITC briefing (consisting  of Host Nation Orientation, Red Cross, Family Member Misconduct, Commander’s Welcome, EFMP, Equal Opportunity, Sexual Harassment, Education Center services, VAT, Safety, DoD CYS, ACS, MWR, OPSEC/Force Protection and Crime Prevention).  
  • The USO conducts a free Local Orientation Tour on Tuesdays for in-processing personnel and Family Members during in-processing.  Personnel will register for this tour during their in-processing. In-processing personnel is required to bring Euro or credit card for lunch during this tour.  
  • Army Community Service (ACS) also offers a monthly Host Orientation Tour that includes a city tour of Kaiserslautern while learning about German culture and customs. Bring Euros for bus fare and lunch. Call ACS at 011-49-611-143-541-9000 or DSN 314-541-9000 to register.


USAG Rheinland-Pfalz  Baumholder:

  • Soldiers (married and single) and their Families will arrive via the "S bus" brings all  to the post guesthouse, the Lagerhof Inn, or the MPD building (8660) for drop off. New arrivals will be handed over to their respective unit representatives.
  • The following day, no later than 0845, Soldiers report in uniform to Baumholder's ITC, located in Building 8660, second floor to begin in-processing. Soldiers will need to provide a copy of the following: a complete set of orders,  a leave form and DD 788 POV shipping document. Spouses are welcome and encouraged to attend as well, as Army Community Service's Relocation program conducts a welcome briefing during the morning portion of ITC and provides a post and local community bus tour for spouses.  
Hot Topics
         Newcomers Facebook Group

Get connected with others in the USAG Rheinland-Pfalz area!


Log on to the ARMY CAREER TRACKER's Total Army Sponsorship Program (TASP) to register.

    Command Sponsorship

Command Sponsorship of dependents is not guaranteed, click here to get details.

    Exceptional Family Member Program

What are the three components of EFMP? Find out here!

    Passports & Visas

How to apply or a No-Fee Passport. 

    Ramstein Gateway Reception Center

Where you'll land and get world class reception from the staff!

    Traveling with your Pet 

Information covering pet travel from the U.S. to Germany

    Plan your Move via Military One Source 

Plethora of resources to ensure you connect with your best MilLife. 

    OCONUS Moves via Move.mil 

Official DOD Customer Moving Portal



Check-in procedures

When you arrive at your new installation, you will need to follow installation-specific procedures. 



ID Cards & DEERS

A one-stop for CAC issuance & update, DEERS enrollment, Family member DoD ID card.  

    What about my child's school? 

DoDEA operates 164 schools in 8 Districts located in 11 countries, 7 states, and 2 territories across 10 time zones. 

    Driving Europe 

To drive in Germany, U.S. personnel must have a valid stateside driver's license and obtain a USAREUR driver's license.



Employment for Family members 

Check out these resources: MWR Human Resources, USA Jobs, Defense Commissary Agency, AAFES/Exchange Careers and Office of Personnel Management